Friday, October 12, 2018

Five Editing Techniques - Sound

Link to "Five Editing Techniques With Sound":

1.) The first clip (symbolism) included post synchronization dubbing, which is a form of non-digetic sound. Post synchronization dubbing is sound that is added to a scene after the filming was done, meaning that the sound is not natural to the scene. In this case, the clip included non-digetic sounds of birds chirping that were not actually present in the clip naturally, as a means of making the scene more authentic and "nature" based, which was the goal of the clip. This increased authenticity of the clip help to give viewers a feeling of just how beautiful and important the environment is, shown by the life provided by the birds chirping sound.

2.) The second clip (contrast) included a voice-over, which is non-digetic sound. A voice-over is when someone is speaking in a clip, but the speaker is not present in the clip. In this case, the clip shows girls writing and typing to contrast the two forms of conveying information, where a voice-over is present and the girls are discussing the stress of getting their work done. The girls are not actually speaking in the clip, but rather the editing included the voices that were recorded separately from the clip and then placed in the scene to make it seem like there was speaking happening. This use of voice-over helps to give viewers a sense of urgency that the girls are facing as they struggle to submit an assignment, as the voice-over includes the girls with a clear sense of panic in their voices.

3.) The third clip (parallelism) included music, which is a form of non-digetic sound. Music is simply a use of theme music, where the music was not originally in the clip, but rather added in later through editing. In this case, the girls feet walking are accompanied by music with lyrics of "I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more" to help convey the idea that the girls are walking on and on in a variety of paralleling scenes. This use of music, specifically through the lyrics, help to show viewers just how far the girls are walking, evoking a sense of length and time for the viewer.

4.) The fourth clip (simultaneity) included digetic sound, which is sound that can be originally found in the clip. In this case, the original clip included a girl talking about a murder, accompanied by a clip with a murder. The original sounds of the girl talking and the sounds of the murder (ex: falling to the ground loudly) were natural to the shot, thus they are digetic sound. This digetic sound is important as it helps viewers understand the severity of the murder by getting context.

5.) The fifth clip (leitmotif) included non-digetic sound through music. Music is simply a use of theme music, where the music was not originally in the clip, but rather added in later through editing. In this case, the scary and loud music was added as the time went on to give viewers a sense of panic and urgency as the due time for the assignment came nearer.


  1. Wow! I really liked your sound examples. Your first one, for symbolism, really stood out to me. The video and the sound very clearly go together nicely. The nature sounds tie in well. I like the thought you put into it!

  2. I loved your sound edits! I especially liked the contrast sound edit, because not only could you see the change in the completion of the work, but now you can hear the panic of getting it done vs. the lack of so. Great job, the shots were all very entertaining!

  3. Great job on the sound examples! I really liked the music you put with the parallelism shot. Overall great job I really enjoyed your film and the way you utilized sound.

  4. I thought these edits were all very well constructed but my favorite one was definitely the contrast edit. The difference in the urgency of the need to get the work done is apparent and this is able to be presented because of the sound that you personally added into the video which is unique and added a cool and personal effect to the edit.
