Thursday, September 20, 2018

Five Editing Techniques

Link to "5 Editing Shots" video:

  1. Symbolism: The first shot that Erin and I made was the symbolism shot. A symbolism shot moves from one scene to the next where there is a symbolic connection between the shots. In the case of this video, the two shots film both a reusable water bottle and a tree coming up from the grassy ground. This is symbolic of the importance of recycling through reusable water bottles, as recycling allows for the Earth to flourish and grow without as much trash.
  2. Contrast: The second shot that Erin and I made was the contrast shot. A contrast shot includes two differing shots to make the difference between them clearer. In this case, the separate shots highlight the difference between typing a piece of work and writing a piece of work. The close-ups of the typing and writing allow viewers to see how, between the two types of conveying information, differences in appearance, sound, and time spent writing are present.
  3. Parallelism: The third shot that Erin and I made was the parallelism shot. A parallelism shot brings two different scenes together by highlighting both their differences and the similarities between them. In this case, Erin and I are walking on two different green surfaces which is a similarity between them, however one is artificial and one is natural. Thus, viewers can see the comparison and contrast between the two scenes that both bring a sense of uniqueness and commonality. 
  4. Simultaneity: The fourth shot that Erin and I made was the simultaneity shot. A simultaneity shot uses two scenes that occur at the same period of time in an attempt to build suspense. In this case, Erin and I used a scene of a subject being murdered while a news broadcast was reporting about a murderer on the loose. This sense of panic, fear, and the unknown drives up suspense as we see that not only has a murder occurred, but the murderer is still on the loose and killing others as the events occurred simultaneously. 
  5. Leitmotif: The fifth and final shot that Erin and I made was the leitmotif shot. A leitmotif shot includes a recurring theme, where in this case the theme was a musical concept. The clip encompassed the idea that stress is high as the time an assignment is due approaches, thus the use of gradually yet steadily occurring suspense music helps to create the sense of panic felt by a student.


  1. Nice work!!!!! I love the different fonts that you guys used. The shots that you used for symbolism were really creative. I loved it!

  2. I love the creativity of each of your shots! Really nice work :) I feel like the extra work that went into differentiating each shot really paid off. Simultaneity really had me on the edge of my seat. Awesome work!!
