Thursday, August 23, 2018

Assignment Week 2-Different Shots

This is a "close-up shot", showing a subject's hands on a close level while using a cell phone. This shot was relatively easy to take, however, due to the closeness of the shot, I had to ensure that the camera was focused to make the clip clear.

This is a "reaction shot", characterized by the fact that the subject is "reacting to something off camera", where in this case the subject appears to be startled by something. There were no complications in making this shot other than ensuring that the camera was still and that the timing was right for the shock.

This is a "tilt shot", characterized by the fact that the camera is moving "up a vertical axis". This shot was simple to make, but the shot just took a long time to create as I wanted to clearly show the entire subject without going too quick.

This is an "over-the-shoulder" shot, characterized by the fact that viewers are able to see a "character's point of view" that includes "part of that character's shoulder". This shot was slightly trickier to make than others, as I had to maintain a steady shot so as to show the shoulder and focus on the content of the cell phone at the same time.

This is a "high angle shot" as characterized by the fact that the subject is "filmed from a high above". This filming process was tricky as I had to stand on a chair to film the subject from the high angle.

This is a "head- on shot" characterized by the fact that the action is coming "directly at the camera". While filming this shot, I just had to perfect the timing so that the subject would run toward the camera right when I began recording as the action was so fast.

This is a "full shot", characterized by the fact that I "captured the subject's entire body" in the clip. While making this shot, I had to ensure that my subject knew the boundaries of the camera so that I did not have to move the camera while she was moving.

This is a "follow shot", characterized by the fact that the "camera follows the subject". Due to the fact that I was walking in this, I had to ensure that the camera was steady throughout which was a challenging task as walking can get bumpy.

This is a "flash shot", characterized by the fact that there is a "shock effect". The only challenging thing about this shot was ensuring that the camera was steady so as not to give away the subject waiting below to jump.

This is a "cameo shot" characterized by the fact that the subject is being "filmed against a neutral background". This shot was easy to make as the only thing I needed to do was find a neutral background and film my subject.

This is a "close shot" characterized by the fact that the subject is filmed from "the top of the head to mid-waist". This clip was easy to make as nothing went into it other than placing the subject correctly and holding the camera still.

This is a "point-of-view" shot as characterized by the fact that the clip was shot from my point-of-view. This clip was challenging to create from my perspective as I had to both film and take part in the clip which made keeping the camera steady and focused difficult.

(All definitions come from AFI Screen Education)


  1. I was really happy watching each of your shots and reading the descriptive anecdotes associated with each of them. One shot I enjoyed was the tilt shot, as it was longer and required more effort to create an interesting viewpoint. The over-the-shoulder shot was cool to watch too, because it provides a like-like, yet sneaky view. The flash shot was hilarious, as Erin unexpectedly pops into the frame. The follow shot was very smooth and personable. Finally, the "point-of-view" shot was funny to watch and I liked the variance in subject.

  2. The tilt shot captured an air of mystery as the camera slowly revealed more and more of the strange figure. The framing of the follow shot makes the scene rather dramatic, as the camera follows closely behind Erin so it's hard for the viewer to see the what the subject can see, lending to the tension of the scene. The over-the-shoulder shot puts the observer into the shoes of the character, and it creates a sense of empathy so that we can better relate with her. The point-of-view shot also put the viewer in place of a character, and the subject matter is slightly humorous and inspires a gut reaction from the viewer.

  3. With the reaction shot being one of the first few shots in the storyboard, as a viewer, I was drawn in and wanted to see the rest of the storyboard. The over-the-shoulder shot shown where Erin is looking on her phone almost makes the viewer feel as though they are experiencing whatever the subject is feeling right along with them. A follow shot has a similar effect, as the viewer feels as though they are walking right in step with the subject. The head-on shot also induces a bit of fear within the audience, with the subject running straight towards the camera it almost feels as though she may knock straight into you. The explanations provided under each shot justify my thoughts in a way, as well as did a good job of explaining the filming process that occurred.

  4. Close up shot- the close up shot lets me know that what is happening on the phone is important
    Reaction shot- The reaction shot lets me know that something dramatic happened/ is about to happen
    Over the shoulder- This shot made me feel like the phone was the main focus, but I was still generally apart of the scene as a viewer
    Follow shot- The follow shot really embraces the viewer into the scene because you feel like you are doing their action yourself
